Friday, December 14, 2012

Hot Chocolate Bar

What could be more inviting/fun than a hot chocolate bar?  This is a first for us this year and we love it so far this Christmas season.  I found a recipe for a hot chocolate mix, which is SO easy and delicious, and after I tasted my first sip of hot chocolate I knew a hot chocolate bar would be in the works...

Find the hot chocolate mix recipe  here.  Be sure to use dutch process cocoa and whole dry milk (I found it in the Spanish aisle). FYI - I did not dare put in the cayenne way.

As for your hot chocolate bar try to think of items you, your children, and your guests would actually use.  I kept it simple for our family because...we are simple people! 

Our must haves were the following:
                       -milk chocolate chips
                       -hot cocoa mix

Simple right?  We just grab a mug, put in two teaspoons of hot cocoa mix, use hot water from our Keurig, and add in our marshmallows and chocolate chips.  

Yummy and pretty.  Does it get any better?  

What would you have as mix-ins for your hot chocolate bar?  

Enjoy this wonderful holiday season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This does sound yummy ~ I believe I will try the cayenne pepper ~ at least once! :)